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Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation involves using implants to fulfill your desire for fuller breasts or to restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy.  Increasing the size of the breast by placement of saline or silicone gel implants, or by fat grafting.

Breast Lift  

A Breast Lift is also known as “mastopexy”, and  is done to reduce droopiness or laxity of the breast, elevate the nipple position, and reshape and tighten the breast skin.  If more breast fullness is desired, placement of an implant may also be needed.

Breast Reduction

Also known as reduction mammaplasty, and is the removal of excess breast skin, fat, and glandular tissue to reduce back, neck, and shoulder pain in women with large breasts, and/or improve appearance.

Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction – following mastectomy there are many methods of reconstruction available for women who desire to restore the shape, size, and near normal appearance of the breast. Reconstruction may be performed immediately following mastectomy, or may be delayed for several months or years. The most common methods of reconstruction involve the use of breast implants or specialized temporary implants known as expanders. There are also a number of procedures which make use of the transfer of tissues from other areas of the body. Sometimes, even though only one breast requires reconstruction, procedures on the opposite breast may be needed to achieve symmetry. Such procedures might be reduction or lift, or perhaps augmentation.  It is always best to consult with Dr. Lewis before a mastectomy or lumpectomy with any questions or concerns you have about reconstruction.   Knowing your options beforehand will help you in making any decisions.

Male Breast Reduction or Gynecomastia

Male breast reduction is for males who develop excessive fullness in the breast area usually have the benign condition called gynecomastia.  Surgery can remove this fullness and restore a more normal shape to the pectoral area.


